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Here's what it's like to work with me...

Tiff, UK

Having an astrology reading with Dani instantly felt like chatting with an old and new friend wrapped up in one package. Dani has a warm, heart-centred energy that makes you feel instantly comfortable. She gave me practical and insightful advice that I can apply to my life, and I have been contemplating the insights from our reading daily. I highly recommend Dani to anyone looking for a genuine and helpful astrology reading. Thank you, Dani, for being part of my ongoing journey. Love and blessings to you. Tiff x

Victoria, UK

"I would highly recommend having an astrology chart done with Dani, she was great and really puts you at ease during the whole process. This is the first time I have had my astrology chart done and WOW! I couldn’t believe the things Dani was able to tell me about my past, life, personality and where I am at now. She was so accurate with the things she was telling me. She has also given me some really useful insight into the things I need to be working on and where to direct my energies for the future."

Linda, USA

Such a loving and direct person. She doesn't waste time. Dani jumps right in. It was refreshing. She took a weight off my shoulders and reassured me that, as hard as it can be, I will get through it. And things will be alright. Thank you so much.

‘Dani is an extremely supportive cheerleader! She is blunt, but loving, direct and probing.


Speaking with Dani is like having a cup of tea with your best friend. She exudes so much love and understanding, but is quick to rap you on your knuckles to get your attention and get you back on task. After a reading with Dani, I feel more optimistic and energized. I wake up the next morning and I'm raring to go. I'm ready to take on this world and the work I need to do in it.’

Louise, UK

"I've just listened back. Absolutely spot on perfect. You have a gift for sure. I love that you've given me things to work on and genuinely, you have given me a lot of insight I can work with. I will definitely be recommending you and I will be back for more sessions. What a lovely person you are. "

Alice, UK

Dani was kind and supportive and explained things really clearly which left me feeling inspired to live my truth and lean further into my strengths and interests.

Aaron, USA

I loved my reading with dani! She used warmth and humour to deliver my astro chart to me. Everything was spot on and gave me clarity that I was on my path and to keep going! Also she reveals hidden gems in your chart that no other astrologer has done for me. I highly recommend you book in with dani STAT!! 

Leanne, UK

"Thank you Dani for a wonderful, healing reading today. You really tuned into my energy. The Emotional Freedom Technique was very powerful, allowing for deep releases which I needed. The whole reading has been very positive and I already feel that shifts and changes are happening. I feel more in tune with my body, trusting my intuition and listening more to my guidance. The cards were very relevant. You gave me great advice. There was a lot of fun and laughter too. You bring a warmth, light and sparkle to your readings and I would encourage anyone needing some no nonsense guidance to get in touch. The reading was gentle but powerful and confirmed a lot for me, so thanks again. I think my journey will be smoother now from here on in and I look forward to what it has in store for me."

Jimmy, UK

"As soon as I sat down with Dani it was like she’d figured me out and was able to help me with my ongoing struggles after just one session I feel better already about myself and am looking to the future with positivity in mind. I would recommend her to anyone and will definitely be seeing her again. P.S. the art work she does is fantastic"

Laura, UK

'I had a mini reading with Dani over a month ago… I usually take my time writing reviews on readings because I feel the depths of them can only be fully appreciated over time. And indeed, this reading although “mini” was so deep and powerful and on point! She pulled out a couple cards and then we gently unveiled their meaning and relevance. What we discovered was a very punctual lack in my life, something I hadn’t dealt with in a long long time because it seemed so minuscule but was actually so massive. Seeing this and acting on it has made me feel like I’m finally starting to become unstuck! So give this a go, you have no idea what you may find. Thanks Danielle Collins 💗 you’re very kind and wise.'

Julie, UK

"My beautiful girl, I will never EVER find the words to say how much you helped me through the wisdom of your book to make truly life changing decisions. Not just that but the insights into what happens next and the rollercoaster of emotion. You are dearly loved and appreciated."

Abigail, Singapore

'Thank you so much for the astrology assessment today. It was an absolute pleasure to have met you, and I am so lucky to have come across your profile via the Debra Silverman website. Thank you for conveying such beautiful and positive messages towards me, i have been working a lot with myself in trying to put myself on the pedestal. However, with the reading today, I have now developed a better awareness on how I should work and develop a better relationship with myself.' 


'I had a reading with u a few weeks ago at Poole, u had wrapped up for the day and I made u take ur coat off and do another one, your book is so so good, and u really helped me that day, I just wanna say thank you, my life is changing, yip scary, but I am going with the flow, plus a little nudging with some meditation and creation, and thank you again ur awesome.'

Sabine, Bournemouth

Yesterday's astrology Q&A session with you at the healing festival was enriching and inspiring. Your authentic and quirky personality allowed me to resonate with you on many levels. I would love to connect more with you. Much love and kindness and I will upload your book via kindle. 


Can you believe I’ve been over to my Father in his partners home 3 times. I even bought a small bunch of flowers and all fruit as they like fruit salad !! I could not have done that without my session with you. 


I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your session today at the experience tent and I’m looking forward to listening to your book.


Having the experience of joining Dani and other lovely folks to talk about and learn about such an intriguing topic , is such a pleasure.
Taking a little time to myself to have an interactive workshop where I learnt so much and was able to share my thoughts was really enjoyable.
The takeaway from the workshop is that you come away with a different perspective on your emotions and the world around you, to the extent that it really makes you chuckle to yourself when you see these patterns pop up around you.
There is so much to be gained from Dani's insight into living your life from a Moon Flowing perspective. "


Dani helped me to understand that clutter was the enemy of my low energy and mental health. She helped me realise that I was holding on to possessions that were keeping me stuck in the past. There were rooms that I kept the curtains closed and had shut the door on, while I was struggling to come to terms with the end of a relationship. Dani showed me, that to move on from this past relationship, I needed to clear away stagnant energy. I now use and love all the rooms in my house. I can find things easily and feel so much happier in myself. Best of all, clearing away all the negative energy of the past allowed for a new love to come in and I have never been happier. Thank you Dani! xx


I recently moved from the City to the Countryside but was struggling to integrate my wardrobe into my new life style ! The old me' loved shopping and clothes so it was full of things I loved and was attached to but these were no longer practical or appropriate! I booked a de clutter day with Dani! I was very anxious and reluctant at first to let go of anything, I felt these clothes were part of my identity but Dani explained that they were holding me back from fully embracing my new life. We gradually completed the task of downsizing, with tears and fun and some dowsing on challenging items! Thanks to Dani the 'new me' is so much happier, lighter, and is now loving life in wellies. Dani uses her intuition, spiritual guidance and her expertise to get the job done in a fun and practical way. She is a miracle worker!


"It’s said that love is blind; sometimes we just can’t see the obvious in front of us, or maybe we don’t’ want to admit we need change. Dani has a kind, emotive and intuitive way of making you excited to change, and will give you the guidance and confidence to make decisions to move through your life with more ease and declutter (mental/physical/emotionally) to allow the space in your life for bigger, better and more exciting things!"


I've had 2 sessions with Dani to help move my life forward. Spending time with Dani inspired me to let go of things both physically and emotionally. She has a natural gift to see what matters and help sensitively but thoroughly.


Also what was nice is that this process encourages new opportunities to take the place of redundant things. Thank you Dani.

Mid Wales

“Dani came in like a breath of fresh air when I was wrestling with a new house. Somehow, with lightness and a sense of joy, Dani freed me up to start making my house my home and act on the changes I wanted to make but for some reason was holding myself back from doing.


From removing stair protectors and a picture I’d liked in the past but no longer resonated with, to having a powerful Kali letting go ritual, I got liberated.


We reorganised, repurposed and relaxed and it was the start of a whole new phase in my life. I am grateful to Dani for bringing her ease and sense of fun and allowing me to shift stuck stuff and get flowing again. “


'Amazing course,I have found it so helpful in understanding how I am feeling when the moon is in different star signs ,a great navigation tool to have and it has definitely helped me in my everyday life, Dani’s teachings are fun and informative, so glad I did it'


'Thank you Dani, you are a gift to this world ! I loved our session and am looking forward to having more with you.' 


Thank you again so much. It truly meant a lot to me and was so deeply needed right now. :) Definitely so special, and you were beyond kind, thorough, and insightful. I will definitely stay in touch!

Victoria, Bournemouth

Well thank you, I am in love with your book. juat wow. came at a time I needed it most. I know this stuff but get sidetracked and it gets bypassed as we continue growing and then we hit points we are like ahhh.

that's my point now, choices changes and letting go to be in the flow and your book is that synchronised message from the divine.

thank you for being you


A friend of mine was interested in an event and I thought ok I will go to the online event, Wow. It was great, I feel lucky that I found Dani ,her workshops give you great tools to help you in life ,Dani has a beautiful energy and makes you feel relaxed and have fun. I have had a mini 1-1 tarot and it was great, I would highly recommend you take a look and see for yourselves


Dani is such a warm, genuine and knowing person who gently pushes you out of your comfort zone in such an inspiring and compassionate way. She knows more about you than you know yourself!


I would highly recommend a session with Dani, be that 1-2-1 or as part of a workshop. Dani is incredibly intuitive and knowledgeable. In our session we were lucky enough to pick a piece of her lovely artwork and learn about both the art and why we were drawn to that particular piece, which was enlightening.

One you find yourself getting really interested and wanting to learn more (like I did!) then give a copy of her book a read too.

Milford Haven

Amazing exhibition ladies. If you can make it to the healing session I highly recommend it. So empowering and liberating to let go. Danielle Collins you are a wonderful lady, I am very grateful for all you do xx

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